Finally! Dropping temperatures, higher sky, amazing colors in the nature, a fresh autumn breeze - and some stuffy noses and a little tornado here and there - the fall is here! I am so happy I could dance all day long! We are spending a lot of time outside now, enjoying wearing long pants and fleece jackets.
Johanna's soccer season has grown into something unexpected; they are now facing the Play Offs for the State Champion. A really fun, exciting experience. Benke and I are turning into true Soccer Parents (see the movie below). Jonte is not that amused and we get into fight with him every single time we're off for his sister's game. Boring, he thinks, and brings his basket ball with him to shoot some in the mean time. Fine with me - both kids are going to play basket ball starting in Nov.
There have been some requests on pictures of Maja who's reached a few milestones in her life. She is crawling and is fast! She also has a sharp bite with her two new teeth, and every nursing session is a nerv tickling (or damaging) experience.

My life? I'm good
Keeping busy,
Johanna's soccer season has grown into something unexpected; they are now facing the Play Offs for the State Champion. A really fun, exciting experience. Benke and I are turning into true Soccer Parents (see the movie below). Jonte is not that amused and we get into fight with him every single time we're off for his sister's game. Boring, he thinks, and brings his basket ball with him to shoot some in the mean time. Fine with me - both kids are going to play basket ball starting in Nov.
There have been some requests on pictures of Maja who's reached a few milestones in her life. She is crawling and is fast! She also has a sharp bite with her two new teeth, and every nursing session is a nerv tickling (or damaging) experience.
My life? I'm good
Keeping busy,