tisdag 29 januari 2008

CSI Live in Huntington Circle

I've finally gotten my act together and started to work on my old research paper that I once started back in Sweden. I took Maja to her child care provider (my friend Gitte) for the first time last Wednesday so that I could do my work in peace. Little did I know about the excitement that was about to dominate the life on this Circle for the next few hours.

As I was sitting by the dining room table, having a skyhigh work moral and being deeply in my thoughts, there was suddenly a man coming towards our house. He boldly leaned towards our patio door and peeked into our apartment through the open blinds. He obviously didn't see me sitting inside, in the shadow on the side of the patio door. I felt an adrenaline rush in my brain, took a couple of steps towards the door, pushed the blinds off and just stared right into his eyes. A young punk. He totally freaked out (oh yeah, I might have had a greasy hair, but ironically, I also happened to wear a CPD T-shirt that day. A souvenir from Chicago.) and mumbled something about being sorry, so sorry, he thought this was his friend's house... Yeah, sure! He rapidly gathered himself and disappeared. This is the moment you think your heart is going to bump out of your chest. Good thing the kids weren't home! What if he'd had a gun?!

Ultimately, the cops invated the whole neighborhood. It was not just me calling them about this suspicious behavior - but one of our neighbors had actually had someone break in to their apt. The police told us these guys have been disturbing people in our area for some weeks now. We had about 6-7 different police officers in our apt. that evening, asking a million questions, same ones over and over again. There were investigators taking finger prints and DNA, police dogs digging around our patio and bushes. Everyone was excited, luckily the kids weren't scared at all. Benke was all hyper doing his own investigation measuring a footprint the suspect bulglar had left on the patio. The cops probably did much more at my neighbor's house, be sure of that - they left his house only at midnight. The next day two tough detectives came to my door and I had to identify the person I'd seen out of a line up of 8 people. Very difficult, a bit scary, not very enjoyable at all. But by all means, kind of exciting. Like in the TV-series, I guess.

So maybe I helped the police to catch the burglars, maybe I was the key person to solve this mysterious crime! Or maybe I was just one of many tiny actors in the statistics of unsolved crimes. I wonder if I'll ever know.
Life is getting back to normal here anyway, it's quiet and peaceful again. The punks must have left us alone after the show off. But I'm sad to say there is a new, although a slight, sign of insecurity I didn't have before.

Visit from Vendelsö, Sweden

My friend Per visited us in our residence this last weekend. We managed to show him most of the things we do in the weekends like basketball in the church, grocery shopping, BBQing with the nicest grill on the block, work on the V8 car incl. kicking the tires, meeting with our American friends, going to our local sport bar and last but not least a brunch at The Grand Finale.
Great to have had you here Per and we are looking forward to seeing your family here later this year.

lördag 19 januari 2008

More Birthdays

We wish cousin Camilla, 23, and ukki Oiva, 69, a great birthday!

torsdag 17 januari 2008

Happy Birthday, Minna!

Happy birthday, Minna! My sister is long ways from home, working for the UN in Nepal. It's rainy, cold and they only get some hours of electricity every day. She calls it cozy and romantic. I have to agree - just don't count on deep frozen pizza and your favorite CDs at your birthday party! And don't forget the 27 candles, you know, just in case.

Love you!

//we all

söndag 6 januari 2008

Holiday Report: Trip to MN

We had a fantastic week over the holidays up in Minnesota, visiting Becky and Brodie with families. Rebecca is my host family sister from 20 years ago as I spent a foreign exchange year in Minnesota. It was great to see everyone again! B & B had all these fun outdoor things organized, please see for yourself at the link below. Actually, as I asked Brodie if they always do this much stuff outside (skiing, ice skating, tubing, sleigh rides, hiking, trekking, biking, sauna bathing, hot tubs, camping... you name it!) he replied, "oh YAH, it seems like we always have something going on...", like the most natural thing in the whole world, you know, like "I've never even thought about it before...". I just love (and -have to admit - envy) their active life in this cozy little town and its surroundings. It feels, in a way, like a whole different planet from Cincinnati, OH.

I have to mention traveling with Amtrak. Not bad, not bad at all! I have to recommend it. Nice cars, good seats, ok food, good staff. The trains run often a bit late, but hey - they sometimes have 3000 miles and snow storms to come through, so what's 4 hours late there? Peanuts. We did miss our connection train Chicago-Cinci though, but got in stead to stay in a pretty nice hotel suite in Chicago. Took a rental car home the day after. No complains from anyone.

Thank you, Becky, Brodie, Calder and Quinn for this truly fun time with you (with and without Benke's Fire Juice!). We'll all keep this Holiday Season in a very special corner of our hearts. Yes, it really felt like saying goodbye to your family!

onsdag 2 januari 2008

Happy New Year 2008

To all our friends around the world.

Happy Birthday to Laura, 15 years Jan. 3 ! Go Girl, Go!

//Sandelowsky family