The neighbors have by now gotten to know us as The Workout Family, or The Nuts, if you like. Even though most Americans love sports (baseball is like religion around here), it still seems like their car is their castle. You can't get anywhere without a car, although the word "can't" seems to be understood more like "don't want to". But as long as walking/running/biking is not prohibited we do it along the roads and on the few pathways we've found. I even got the jogger for Maja - a surprise from my husband to keep me happy, I guess. It works.

Benke keeps on causing traffic hazards and getting curious and somewhat amused looks from people while rollerblading with the ski sticks and mountainbiking on (and sometimes off) the highways. Or maybe it's just his great looks that make women honk, I don't know.

Being the true Homemaker I've become here, I've also joined a fitness club. Just wanted to go for some Body Pump now that my knees have started to bug me (thanks Helena, my very own physiotherapist in Sweden, for your advice!). Forget being anonymous, bying a 1o-time stample card and hiding on the back row of an aerobics class! No, I had to go through a minor health and condition test (fat % included!), plan for long term goals, sign a bunch of papers about who's responsible of what - before they would let me go to that BP class. The club has not only group exercise, but also two floors of all kinds of terrifying machines, tread mills other cardio stuff, either with a TV screen on or (get this:) located in a dark room in front of a huge movie screen, of course a whole big gym of loose weights, a 25 m /5 line swimming pool, pilates room, kinesis, basket ball court, spinning, 4 line inside running track around the whole area, sauna (!) and baby sitting (Maja does very well in there).

Last night we all went to play tennis, basket ball and beach volley. Johanna has signed up for soccer starting in Sept. Jonte gets his endorphines by just being an average little boy, basically playing the Star Wars and trying to learn how to use his new roller shoes. And Maja is definitely feeling and looking great in her 5 month old body as it is.

So guys, we're still going strong. Time for some serious TV time, IKEA couches and Domino's Pizza. And food, by the way - there are quite a few American favorites already: the great steaks, sallads, home made hamburgers, bagels with cream cheese. Besides if we should miss some of our Scandinavian food we can most likely find it at the store. The local grocery store has Vasa Knäckebröd, Panda liquorice, Jarlsberg cheese. IKEA has the rest, like Kalles kaviar, lingonsylt och köttbullar. One of the things we haven't found is rån (that Maja could suck), and to clean the mess, the Wettex dukar that my mom sent over from Finland (thanks!).
4 kommentarer:
Härligt att höra att ni håller er i form! Det värmer mitt sjukgymnastiska hjärta :) Men det verkar inte helt enkelt, och kontrasten till en tur i Tyresta skogen är total. Hur går det föresten med rehabövningarna Hanna?
Kram till er alla!
Tack för frågan, min stjärn-fysioteraput! Ärligt: första veckan 3 ggr, andra veckan 2 ggr, förra veckan 0 ggr. Men jag har principerna i åtanke i allt jag gör, och det har PEPPAR PEPPAR hittills gått bra med knän. Det är mest oljudet som man märker nu (de knarrar bara, som snart resten av kärringen...).
Hanna, ihanalta kuulostaa teidan gym! Kylla ne ameriikassa osaa. Voi kun taallakin olisi jotain tuollaista... tai edes puhtaita saleja jossa enemman kuin yksi toimiva juoksumatto. Ulkonahan ei voi liikkua - paitsi kaupungin ulkopuolella tietty. Tassa maassa olisitte vahintaan yhta freakshow kuin siella. Toisaalta taalla ulkomaalaisilta ei odotetakaan mitaan ns. normaalia toimintaa, taalla me ollaan aina friikkeja.
Gold's Gymin 20 asteinen AC-ilmapiiri on just nyt kyllä aika jees, kun ulos ei voi mennä (35 astetta, 90% ilmankosteus). Siispä mekin eletään tällä hetkellä sisällä - ja autossa.
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