Forgot to write a few lines about Thanksgiving Day which was a week ago, Thursday Nov. 22. For those who don't know, it's an American holiday celebrated in honor of the early European pilgrims, their first time in the New World, and their contact with the native Americans from whom they learned a few very useful hints about surviving in the new surroundings. People get together with their families to have a traditional dinner. Simply a nice, peaceful time with your folks - hopefully, at least.
Living in an apartment complex, our neighborhood was extremely quiet and empty. It was just us foreigners and a couple of other families here. We decided to get together with our Brazilian and German friends, and made the whole kit with turkey, mashed potatoes and apple pie. Plus some South American flavors as well as an European touch. Not to forget a respectable amount of wine and beer and groovy Brazilian music, of course.

Oh yes, early in the morning I took part in the 98th Annual Thanksgiving Day Race in downtown Cinci. More than 12.000 runners on a 10 km, beautiful path over the bridges of Ohio River. Fun but cold. I finished 8th in my category. 
