It ain't easy being a pedestrian. Today, at noon, Maja and I went for a walk in the neighborhood. Crossing the street is a close-to-death experience, and some streets you just don't cross. Now, in the medium sized intersection close to our house there are traffic lights for both wheels and legs, which is a very good thing, although not very common. The very bad thing is that these lights are coordinated after the intensity of the car traffic; that is, if the traffic is heavy the pedestrians get to wait. And wait . And wait. I've done it a couple of times. (Dad, you know what I mean!) Maja and I did just that for almost 20 minutes today. Freezing our butts off. After some curious looks from the car drivers, one friendly soul even asking if we were ok, having seen Benke with his boss driving by (they were on their lunch), and having turned down his boss' nice offer to give us a ride, I finally gave up. Called Benke to pick me up at the intersection. After 5 minutes he was there - and it still said "Don't Walk" on the pole.
I mean, if you can't walk when the traffic is heavy, why bother having a traffic light at all? When there aren't any cars you will be able to cross the street anyway. Unbelievbly insane, in my pedestrian brain.

8 kommentarer:
Oh my god ! that's sooo bad and incredible ! but this is America ! they don't know what it means to have a walk. You have probably been the only pedestrian around in the last 50 years !
Good that Benke was not travelling (you could have been waiting for days) !
Anyway now you know, if you want to walk just turn around your home and always take your mobile phone with... it can help !
Good luck for your next expedition !!! Take care,
Thanks. Yeah, right. The only people I really see walking here are foreigners and the black. Sometimes, in the rich peoples area by the golf course, I see a white health freak jogging or walking. But just up and down the hill, not to move from place A to B, never.
I will continue to do my expeditions - the traffic is like an interesting jungle itself!
Miss the woods, though...
Did you try pushing the pedestrian button on the pole??
Are you serious? Like hell I did, a hundred times. I've been there before.
Well then it sounds to me like there's a broken button!! But then again I AM an American who hasn't been on a walk in about 30 years ;')!!
Don't give me that:) I know you walk, like so many other Americans. (Now Benke says, yeah, from the front door to the car...)The fact is - besides that I'm a grumbling European - the button just goes nuts sometimes. And then it's not nice to be on the wrong side of the road. That's the problem. But hey, I'll manage!
Brodie says you should just send Johanna out about 20 minutes before you go on your walk to hit the button for you. :')
Now that was an excellent idea! We'll try it and let you know how it works. Get her returned home in the sheriff's car, maybe? Crazy foreigners!!
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