Mostly everything, and everyone, in the USA is still measured in money. Unlike in Europe, rich people are truly admired here - they've lived the American dream! But I can see a new trend of acceptance of the middle class, too. I would not call it glorifying, but recognizing and certainly appreciating it. In my European eyes it's kind of nice, homey. Normal down to earth people.
No one here talks about McCain. He, just as his party's campaign, seems to be totally uninteresting. The Republicans go and vote for him, I guess, without any closer analysis or questioning.
For now, we're enjoying the fight between Obama and Clinton - and to be honest, in the end it doesn't really matter which one gets the nomination. They're both pretty good. Their argumentation with each other is substantial. It's also fun to have a non-verbal fight with your neighbors; did someone just steal our Hillary sign on the lawn or was it really the wind?
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