What a wonderful summer we've had! A perfect mix of play, work and lazy days; friends, family and own time; sun and rain; city, suburb and country. A little bit of a shock because the prices here - how are we ever going to get used to paying $9 for a gallon of gas, $9-10 for a pound of chicken or $5 for a loaf of bread... Good thing we mainly walked, biked or took the bus to different places. Benke finally came from OH, was happy to see us but also shocked because of the prices and the weather - well, let's just call it a prolonged jet lag with a little touch of culture shock (and forget all about it, shall we, honey?)
Maja was well taken care of by her cousins Helena and Christina while I was working. Johanna celebrated her birthday with the family. Jonte had a fun birthday party for his best friends, Johanna went on a Scout Camp for 9 days, and the last week we managed to fit in Ola & Anna's wedding, sailing outside of Stockholm, a family party and Johanna's Sleep Over Party with 8 girlfriends (wanna see Johanna's party pics? Go to http://picasaweb.google.com/Sandelowskyalbum/JohannasPyjamasParty#). The schools already started in Sweden and Johanna and Jonte visited their old classes. Both kids got to join the classroom activities, the teachers had them do some assignments, they had lunch and PE and recess with their old class mates. A wonderful day for preparing them to get back to their old school later in January 2009. "Welcome back, you're still one of us!" - what a great last day in Sweden. After that we cleaned our house, packed our things, said farewells and left again.
Another ferry over the Baltic Sea, and we're now in my childhood's Finland again. Benke and I are officially on vacation, even though it feels a bit strange when everyone else seems to have gotten back to business, the fall routines with school and work are felt everywhere. It helps to have been able to spend time at Susanna's brand new summer house (beautiful!) in Karelia just a couple of miles from the Russian border. Or at my parents' country house in Somero (precious!), with grandpa and grandma and my sister Minna who is visiting from Nepal. We're having sauna every night, we're fed with sour bread, salmon and potatoes and we've driving small cars again. There will be a Härkönen Family Gettogether later this week - just before Benke and the big kids will return to Ohio, work and school.
Check out the summer pics at: http://picasaweb.google.com/Sandelowskyalbum/FinlandAugust2008#
Maja and I will enjoy another week here visiting friends, family and the surroundings. We're ready to get back to Ohio for antoher fall!


Maja and I will enjoy another week here visiting friends, family and the surroundings. We're ready to get back to Ohio for antoher fall!
1 kommentar:
hej ! på Stockholms DM asså så kom jag 3 i judo fett dåligt. tänk om jag fortsätter och är jättebra (som jag är) så kommer jag få åka till USA Chicago tror jag i OS 2016 det kommer därimot bli jättekul .
ha det roligt i USA
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