Today it is the fourth advent. No snow in Cincinnati, but -13 C (wind chill -25 C). In Scandinavia there is a tradition to light a candle for each advent, and in our family we have one more advent tradition: a Christmas carrol sung by each family member, starting from the youngest. Jonatan sang "En sockerbagare", Johanna "Frosty The Snowman", I did "Soihdut sammuu" and Benke "Nu är det jul igen". Maja sang a little bit of everything and danced to all songs.
During this past week we've said so many goodbyes that I've lost the count. last day of school, last soccer game, last training session with Mojo Runners, last, last, last. It's been very hard on everyone. The movers were here and the shipping was sent to Europe. I've been telling people we're practically but not mentally ready to move. However, since about two days we've all felt that we're getting there also emotionally; so, old friends and family, we are good to go and practically on our way!So, a very merry Christmas to all of you around the world from all of us in the empty house in Ohio!
4 kommentarer:
Sounds good! We are SOOO ready to have you back home! Even from our point of view (= Finland) Sweden seems like a home to us :-) Take care, darlings! And have a VERY MERRY XMAS!
Kati & family
God jul och välkomna hem! Fredrik med familj
Happy and safe homeward travels to our favorite Swedes/Finn! Next time it's our turn to meet you over there!!
Rebecca, Brodie, Calder, and Quinn
Hej från down under.
Bra,mamma översatte.
Ses när VI kommer hem.
Kram Linnea med familj
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