After 18 hours of smooth travelling, perfect timing on tranfers and no fighting kids, we finally made it here! Although, due to the terrorist alert these past days, the security controls took a conciderable amount of time. We all tried our best to think it was for our own best. The Delta Airaline only lost 2 pieces of our luggage of 9 (!!), which doesn't surprise us at all after about 10 security scannings of the luggage on the way. However, we definitely recommend the direct flight Paris-Cincinnati to all of you who plan to visit us from Europe this year. The last hours of long distance travelling suck all your extra energy, and if you have any left your kids will suck it from you for sure. So you really want to avoid the last transfer from Detroit, NY or Chicago, if possible.

Our friend and Benke's work companion Scott picked us up at the airport, and we had a nice ride in the Tahoe. We passed downtown on our way to West Chester which is appr. 30 km to the North. The kids were excited; so many big cars! The weather was beautiful with 25°C and just ok humidity. Although you don't need to feel it one bit since the AC is on everywhere.
As expected, by the time we'd arrived in our hotel here in West Chester, Maja had had it. We ended our family's first day in the United States with a greasy but good TV-dinner (pepperoni pizza), trash-TV and a quick dip in the hotel swimming pool. Jonte and Johanna fell asleep on the TV-sofa.
Tomorrow is a new day; car-shopping, hopefully getting back our missing luggage, and most of all getting the keys to our town house!
Nu tyar jag inget mer, natten har kommit, Karl Oskar och jag ska gå och lägga oss.
8 kommentarer:
Sorry, I had to change the message and somehow deleted it. So, what I said was... COOL! Everything looks and sounds fantastic!
Shat up - wat bjuteful it is!! And hau fääst juu ålredi häv tajpt the håle jöörni. Hope juu settel in well in da nejbörhoood.
Lav and kisses from us all!
David, Sara, Akseli & Vilmer :)
By the way, who is Karl Oskar?
wonders Kati
Hoppas ni får ett bra äventyr där borta, vi kommer att sakna er!
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