söndag 19 juli 2009

Prime Time

We've been fortunate to take part in two different weddings this summer:

Congratulations to Birgitta and Francisco who got each other in Positano, Italy, May 31.
We combined the wedding with a lovely vacation. Italy was twice as beautiful and romantic as I ever dared to imagine. More pictures of the trip to Italy at:


The next wedding was held one week after. Our dear friends Sara and David said their vows to each other June 6. We were honored to host this wedding which was held in our garden! A very chilly day, but very warm inside of our hearts. David, we'll never forget your love song to your beautiful bride! It cannot get any more romantic than that - Benke couldn't take any pics from his tears... so this time, a word has to tell you more than a 1000 pictures. Some more pics of the wedding and Sara's bridal shower at:


Love is in the air,

Blog update: Summer 2009!

Hey friends and family!

We're sorry we have been terrible on blogging lately. It's been 100% back to reality in terms of returning home from the USA. No more X time for sitting by the computer, for example. Both in good and bad ways, that is, of course.

We're having some nice and relaxing vacation days at the moment. We rented a little cabin in the countryside (Dalarna) with a lot of fun activities - the cabin was a part of a farm. Benke & Per biked 300 K on a tandem (Vättern Runt), I did a swim meet of 3000 m in an ice cold river (Vansbrosimningen, 15,5 degr C) - which is totally surreal but true. We've also spent some good days at home and the surroundings.

As known, a picture tells more than 1000 words. Look at http://picasaweb.google.com/Sandelowskyalbum/Summer2009
Enjoy your summer,